To prepare for college, there is no substitute for your child getting a solid academic education. This means your child should take challenging courses in academic subjects and maintain good grades in school. Your child's upper-year reports will be an important part of his or her college application.
A college education builds on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier years. It is best for your child to start planning an examination course schedule early. Students who don't think ahead may have difficulty completing all the required or recommended courses that will help them qualify for college.
Most selective colleges (those with the highest admissions requirements) prefer to admit students who have taken courses in certain subject areas. For example, many colleges prefer that students have qualifications in English language and mathematics, even if these may not be directly relevant to their subject areas. Some colleges prefer three or four years of a foreign language. Your child's careers guidance counselor can help your child determine the school courses required or preferred by different types of colleges. If your child is interested in specific colleges, he or she can contact them and ask about their admission requirements.
Your child should take courses in at least these core areas:
-- English
-- Mathematics
-- Science
A foreign language and computer science are also highly recommended.
The following Chart lists the school courses that many higher education associations and guidance counselors recommend for a college-bound student. These courses are especially recommended to students who want to attend a university. Even if your child is interested in attending a community or further education college, he or she should take most of these courses since they provide the preparation necessary for all kinds of post-secondary education.
If your child is interested in pursuing a vocational program in a college of further education, he or she may want to supplement or substitute some of the courses listed in the chart with some vocational or technical courses in his or her field of interest. Your child should take at least the suggested courses in the core areas of English, math’s, science, history, and geography.
Traditional English courses such as English literature will help students improve their writing skills, reading comprehension, and vocabulary. History and geography will help your child better understand our society as well as societies around the world.
Mathematical and scientific concepts and skills learned in math’s classes are used in many disciplines outside of these courses.
Some colleges also require that an applicant take one or more achievement/entrance examinations in major areas of study. It is a good idea for a student to consult a guidance counselor about this.
Knowing what will be required for college is important; by taking the right courses and examinations at school, your child may avoid admission problems later on. In addition, students who do not prepare well enough academically in school, if admitted to college, may be required to take additional, remedial courses. Most colleges do not offer credit for these courses, and students may have to pay for these extra courses and spend extra time in college to earn their degrees. The next chart lists some questions that you or your child may want to ask your child's teacher or careers guidance counselor.
* What basic academic courses do they recommend for students who want to go to college?
* What elective courses do they recommend for college-bound students?
* How does a student go about completing recommended courses before leaving school?
* Can students who are considering college get special help or tutoring?
* What activities can students do at home and over the summers to strengthen their preparation for college?
* How much homework is expected of students preparing for college?
* What kinds of examination grades do different colleges require?
This exercise will give you and your child a chance to look ahead and choose future courses, but be aware that some courses must be taken in sequence. On a sheet of paper, list your child's current courses or courses he or she will take this year. Then list courses that he or she will take during each year of school. If you are not sure what courses your child should take, you should make an appointment with your child's teacher and get some advice.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
What Can My Child do to Prepare Academically For College?
Labels: Preparing Child For College