When children practice asking questions about numbers, they can develop an understanding of the characteristics and meanings of numbers.
What you'll need
Questions about numbers
What to do
1. Let your child thinks of a number between a stated range of numbers while you try to guess the number by asking questions.
Here is a sample conversation.
Child: I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100.
Parent: Is it more than 50?
Child: No.
Parent: Is it an even number?
Child: No.
Parent: Is it more than 20 but less than 40?
Child: Yes.
Parent: Can you divide this number up into 3 equal parts?
And so on...
2. After you have guessed your child's number, let your child guess a number from you by asking similar questions.
The questions asked demonstrate many different levels of math. They can serve as learning tools for explaining concepts. For example, you can take the opportunity to explain what an even number is if your child does not know.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Guess If You Can
Labels: Helping Child Learn Math